Mermaids – Simplicity 1435

Last time we saw the family before lockdown, our granddaughter had said she liked mermaids. I found the perfect fabric. It was a stretch jersey, so I went for a pattern I had used before. I also made another pair of leggings in the spare fabric from last time I made the dress. This is a nice quick sew 🙂


I started making some masks for our own use before they were mandatory, but have made many more since, generally one to match whatever I make.

I have made a couple of different styles, but mostly we prefer the japanese 3d pattern (middle picture).

Just a note that I was still working fully through lockdown. I did think about signing up for making scrubs, but for some reasons I didn’t. Some sites seemed to suggest they had plenty of people making / no fabric to issue, and I worried that if I used what I had I would use the wrong fabric, or they wouldn’t be up to the right standard required. Well done to everyone who did.

Lockdown Sunflowers

Like many people I started doing more gardening during lockdown. At the start no-one knew what was going to happen, so I wanted to grow some veg. And as we were going to be spending much more time at home, tidy the garden and make it prettier.

We did get lots of mange tout, a few courgettes, spinach, and loads of tomatoes!

I also planted lots of sunflowers, which go huge in the end. Here are some in progress photos:

However, while waiting for them to flower, I thought I would brighten up the front of the house with some crocheted sunnies! Along with some bees I crocheted a while ago 🙂

VE Day 75th Anniversary Mosaic – May 2020

This isn’t mine, but had to be shared. I bought some mosaic kits from Bryony Machin for the kids during lockdown. My son used his to create this for VE Day. Creativity helped along by his Dad.

Leggings and Silver Top – New Look 6435

A long time ago I bought some stretch shiny and sparkly fabrics from Abakhan. I didn’t really have much of a plan for them, but couldn’t resist!! I had also been putting off sewing the stretch, but actually it was really straight forward. I think I could have done the leggings a bit narrower, but otherwise I am pretty happy with this. Just needs the right place to wear, as it is quite shiny. I wore this to one of our Friday 5pm lockdown street discos!!!

Sheepjes Whirl Baby Blanket

This one jumped out at me when watching one of Black Sheep Wools’ update videos by Sara. It was a great one to take away on holiday. A repeating Sea Shell pattern with a single cake of Sheepjes Whirl, again in rainbow colours for my niece’s rainbow baby.

I thought I had taken more photos of this…the border wasn’t quite finished at this point. But you can see the simple, colourful effect.

Charlotte’s Dream Baby Blanket

This is another one from the ‘Look what I made’ site (where I found the Block a Week CAL 2014), designed by Dedri Uys. I thought it would be nice to make a smaller version – just 4 squares to make a baby blanket. I used some Stylecraft batik DK that I had bought in rainbow colours a while ago, along with cream and grey. This seemed appropriate for my niece’s ‘rainbow baby’.

I loved the textures in this blanket.

Lockdown crochet project

I ordered a selection of Stylecraft Special DK from Black Sheep Wools when we first went into lockdown.

I think I had intended doing the Persian Tiles blanket, but a stumbled across ‘A Block a Week CAL’ from 2014 which had, as it says, a block a week – so much less repetition than some other block blankets I have done, or doing persian tiles.

In hindsight, for this, I should have done the standard square for each one, and then when they were ALL completed, decided which additional rounds were required to make them all the same size, rather than trying to get them the same size as I went along. If I am honest I loved some of these blocks, and really didn’t like some!!! Some of them just didn’t square up very well. But the point of it was variety, so I stuck at it. Some weeks I did a few blocks, others none (if I was sewing instead, or baby knitting/crochet!)

I would recommend the CAL for its variety and lots of different styles.

So what should I do with 42 squares? Just sew into another blanket, or do something slightly different?

I joined rows together with alternate colours with a very basic double crochet (single crochet US) on the right side. It is a bit bulky, so I may do a slip stitch join next time. I did want to do something slightly different to a standard blanket, but wasn’t really sure about joining to make a cardigan, as the squares are a bit big for that. So I went for …… a poncho!!

Dinosaur cardigan

I love the colours in the Fairground balls of wool, and this seemed just right for a dinosaur, for my grandson.

Elephant Snuggly

I have made a few of these now. The granny square bit is quick and easy.

This one was for my niece’s baby, Tod, who was born at the end of August.