This was a long project!! Started June 2021, but only finished January 2022!! I really like it, but it hasn’t been a favourite make. It wasn’t something that was easy to remember, so constantly needed the pattern, but weirdly I got a bit bored with it.
I honestly did NOT like the half square triangles round the outside!
I did it in the suggested colours in Scheepjes Colour Crafter. Below are the 4 colour combinations for the Joana’s mandalas, and then all the colours together:

I started by doing one of each octagon:

Once I had made one of each, I did all the Joana’s mandalas first (the one on the right above), and then finished the Labyrinths (the one on the left). I did take it away on holiday and do some while away, and made quite a lot of progress. I added the octagon rounds at the end. I also ran out of the cream or grey yarn at one point and had to go back to Black Sheep Wool. I knew I would need to go back for some because they hadn’t had enough balls when I first bought them.
Then the middle squares and half square triangles:

All ready to put together:

I played about with positioning the colours on the floor, to try not to get similar colour blocks next to each other, and then started the mammoth task of crocheting together… I only noticed afterwards that I think I have my labyrinths and joanas the wrong way round. However, I have looked more closely at other peoples’ blankets on the Facebook group since, and some are more random..

After this stage the final corner triangles are crocheted. And all ends sewn in, before the border. I often photograph the ends when all sewn in, as it is a very satisfying moment when that is done!

The corners, plus border:

And finished article:

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