Is there anything better, as a sewer (now, as I type that, I see why people call themselves sewists), than being told by your granddaughter when you arrive, that there is a fabric shop in town and she wants a new dress?? Here she is with her Auntie (who isn’t quite as keen on me making her dresses), with her fabric choices.

I had previously made her a dress using Simplicity 1435, see post:
And I think she was still trying to fit in it – more as a t-shirt than a dress now though.
She said she liked the frills, so I went for the same dress again, but also did one of the other views. View C and A (leggings) in the ballerina fabric, and View E for the ‘cat mermaids’, is that ‘mercats’?:

It took me until October to get round to making these, having bought the fabric in August. I got a nice little WhatsApp video sent of her wearing them 🙂

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