King Cole Shine Jumper

I bought some of this lovely wool while taking my mother-in-law to the wool shop. They only had 2 balls, but I got it anyway, no idea what to make with it! When I was there again I bought another ball, thinking I would need at least 3 for a garment! When I eventually found a pattern I liked, I found I needed 4!! When I ordered the pattern on line, from PurpleLinda, I bought another ball of this Sea Breeze, but because I liked the colour it was made up in on the pattern, I bought 4 balls of that too!! Can you believe that I bought 4 balls of wool, over 3 different purchases, and they are all the same dye lot – how lucky!! This was my lovely package from PurpleLinda, which arrived in purple packaging – my favourite colour 🙂

I have just started this, so will keep you posted with progress.

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