My husband had really liked this blanket, in fact he had chosen it as the next one to do, and then I gave it away, so I had to make another.
I have gone more random with the colours this time (from part three), and not followed the order in the pattern, although I have used the same colours. I have the balls in a bag and pull one out at random. I will repick if that pentagon already has that colour in it. It’s not 100% random though because I don’t want to risk duplicates at the end, so pull them out at random, and lay them out before crocheting so I can rearrange them if necessary.
Part one Part two – my least favourite Part 3 – round 1 Part 3 – up to round 5
The next round is connecting to the previous part. It’s not a round I enjoy… so may put it off and do part 4. I will update when complete…. see post Carousel Mark II
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