Transport Day Dress (2014)

What better excuse to wear something different (and buy fabric) than a vintage event in your village? Lymm Historic Transport Day was started in 2014 and has been a resounding success. It brings into the village old boats / barges on the canal, vintage buses, old bicycles, motor bikes, steam engines, tractors and lots and lots of cars. More recently getting a spitfire flypast too. There are stalls, food and drink, a stage for bands, it is a great day out for all the family!

I found this 1950s vintage simplicity pattern which I thought would be perfect, and some fabric which has some buses and cars on, along with teacups and cakes!

I’m trying to think back at what the biggest lessons learnt were as part of this project. The long zip in the side was probably the biggest challenge, and what to do with the lining around the zip. I think I fudged it a bit. I also discovered that buttonholes are better vertical, not horizontal on a front, as otherwise they pull apart (I have since added some poppers to try and reduce the impact of this).

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