I decided that next progress would be to crochet small things that could be put together to make something more significant. I picked a nice grey and blue wool. I remembered making a hexagon patchwork cushion as a child, so decided a hexagon would be a good plan. I found a hexagonal granny square (!) pattern and went with that. I started off doing all grey or all blue, but then had a go at mixing them up. I used to carry crochet around with me wherever I went, so when waiting to pick up kids, I did a bit of crochet. It still took a long time to do >100 hexagons.
The hexagons were then ‘arranged’ to look ‘random’. Crocheted together in rows, and then the rows crocheted together. I also learnt, when doing a later blanket, that it is a really GOOD IDEA to sew ends in AS YOU GO, so it isn’t such a chore at the end.
It wasn’t part of a blanket pattern, so I made up the border (I will have to have a close look to see what I did)
This blanket as claimed by my son, so I then had to do one for my daughter. I used the same grey, and a nice lilac. She chose a triangle blanket pattern in one of my Mum’s magazines. There are 110 triangles in this one. I sewed these together instead of crocheting.
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