The beginning

I imagine this is much harder than it looks, but here goes!

I thought I would have a go at sharing the things I have made, mainly to be able to look back at what I have done, and to share with family and friends. Maybe others out there will like what I make too. As things progress maybe I will be able to share some of the experience I gain via my mistakes, and provide hints and tips to others.

I first learnt to knit as a child, from my Grandma, and Great Auntie Hilda, and probably Mum too! I sewed a little too. Mum had made lots of our clothes when we were kids (I distinctly remember having matching Silver Jubilee Dresses with my big sister). I then didn’t make anything for years and years. I think I knitted a babygro when a friend from Uni was pregnant, but that was about it. I bought a sewing machine to make some curtains in about 2001, but again hardly used it. Just occasionally knitting something.

I started being interested again when Mum learned to crochet and my sister was making quilts I think. I was slightly frustrated that I couldn’t crochet, so with the help of Mum and YouTube I learnt to make some basic little flowers and butterflies. I think that was the beginning!!

I also became involved in Steampunk. After my first event, I felt woefully underdressed in a skirt I had bought, and that was it. Patterns were bought online, and the local fabric shop was visited. Before the next event I went to (‘Steampunks in Space’ at the Space Centre in Leicester) I WOULD have a new outfit. I will admit to skiving a bit from work one Friday to get it finished for the Saturday. I recall it taking 15 hours to make that skirt. Hopefully I am a bit quicker now! I will get round to sharing pictures shortly.

I work virtually full time (from home) and have two lovely kids and a husband to look after. Hopefully you will enjoy what I share.

Karina x


    • Paul on May 7, 2019 at 7:45 pm
    • Reply

    Looking good! 🙂

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