Spirit of the orchid wrap

Design by Tatsiana Kupryianchyk @ LillaBjornCrochet.com

I had seen these kits at Black Sheep Wools previously, and even when in the sale hadn’t bought it, thinking “I’m not really a wrap type person”. However my addiction to crochet beat that.. I can’t remember why I was at Black Sheep AGAIN (I probably had an idea I would buy something like it as I was about to finish Carousel), but the sale was on again after Christmas, so I bought the kit with money from my mother-in-law. It seemed most appropriate, almost compulsory, since it was buying her a crochet kit for Christmas previously that had got me hooked. I had also previously bought my mum a wrap crochet kit (which she has just finished) as a challenge of something different, and this certainly looked to have some different styles. I was right 🙂

This is the first panel and start of the second. The first part is not the most exciting!!! Right side a row of trebles, sometimes a back post treble to give more texture, then the wrong side doubles, various different colours!. There are some pretty zigzag patterns – front post double trebles in the rows below. The second panel is fantastic though, and a joy to see the pattern emerge. This is mosaic crochet and is just so clever. It is time consuming, and I never got to the point I could remember the pattern for a full row, and each row is different, so constantly checking the pattern. Not something you can easily carry around to pick up and do while waiting to pick up a child!

Second panel complete, and with the start of the third panel, which uses overlay crochet:

I don’t think the overlay crochet was my favourite, but they turn out quite pretty, especially once crocheted together:

Panel four is C2C, which I have seen lots of references to on Facebook crochet groups, but I actually had NO idea what it was or how it was done. This is another fantastic panel. The pattern does become apparent and it is easy to follow the chart if you lose track of where you are.

It looks like I stopped taking pictures of the individual panels in progress after this… The next one was another C2C, and then we are halfway 🙂 The C2Cs are repeated in mirror image with different colour combinations, another overlay section, another lovely mosaic, plainer rows to finish, and then the border to add

And with the border:

Started early Feb, finished end of March.

I will have to try some more mosaic crochet 🙂

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