Simplicity 1819 Bolero (2014)

The bolero is quite simple, having only 3 pattern pieces for this version (an extra one for the version with a collar made for my daughter – which was more complex to put together). The thing that was most difficult with this was hand sewing the trim on. I don’t have much patience when it comes to trimmings. When I see some of the fantastic creations some people make, the trimmings REALLY do set their items off, and I probably should try harder!

This was a quick hand-drafted bustle so I had something different to wear occasionally. I spent a while looking for ideas on the internet, and thought I didn’t really need a pattern. It really needed the lace trim to give it a bit more oomph. I could probably have done with making all the pieces a bit wider, and having more gathering. But it did the trick at the time!

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